We care for your children...............as you do

The Duke of Edinburg

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (often referred to as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Program or DofE) is an internationally recognized youth development program founded by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, in 1956. The program aims to empower young people aged 14 to 24 to develop their skills, physical fitness, volunteering experience, and adventurous spirit.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (often referred to as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Program or DofE) is an internationally recognized youth development program founded by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, in 1956. The program aims to empower young people aged 14 to 24 to develop their skills, physical fitness, volunteering experience, and adventurous spirit.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is designed to challenge and encourage participants to set personal goals and engage in activities that foster personal growth and self-improvement. The program operates in over 140 countries and has positively impacted millions of young individuals worldwide.

The program consists of four main components or sections, often referred to as the “Four Sections” or “Four Pillars”:

  1. Volunteering: Participants are encouraged to engage in community service and contribute their time and skills to help others. This could involve activities such as volunteering at a local charity, assisting in environmental conservation projects, or supporting community initiatives.
  2. Physical: This section encourages participants to enhance their physical fitness and well-being. They can choose activities that promote an active lifestyle, such as participating in sports, fitness training, dance, martial arts, or outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, or cycling.
  3. Skills: Participants are encouraged to develop and pursue a particular skill or talent outside of their academic studies. This can include activities like playing a musical instrument, painting, cooking, learning a new language, photography, or any other area of interest.
  4. Adventurous Journey: This section focuses on fostering teamwork, leadership, and outdoor skills. Participants plan and undertake an adventurous journey, such as hiking, camping, canoeing, or cycling, in a group or as part of a team. They learn navigation, and survival skills, and develop resilience and problem-solving abilities.

Each section has specific requirements and time commitments that participants must ful-fill to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The program offers different levels of awards, including Bronze, Silver, and Gold, each with increasing levels of challenge and commitment.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is highly regarded by employers, universities, and educational institutions, as it demonstrates the participants’ commitment, dedication, and the development of important life skills. Achieving the award is recognized as a significant accomplishment and can open doors to various opportunities.

If you are interested in participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or want to know more about the program in your specific region, it would be best to reach out to the official Duke of Edinburgh’s Award website or contact the national or regional office responsible for administering the program in your country.